From the desk of Michael J. Bagley - Attorney at Law

New Office in Del Rio opens January 4, 2021

After four years of faithfully serving the public as the District Attorney of the 63rd/83rd Judicial District, covering Val Verde, Kinney, and Terrell counties, I am extremely proud to announce that I will now be returning to my life-long passion of serving all the members of the public as a Defense Attorney.

While being a District Attorney was at times both satisfying and informative, I will now continue, as a Defense Attorney, my fight to ensure the Legal system treats everyone in a fair and equitable manner.

January 4, 2021 will truly be a great day as, after many months of planning, many months of hard work and the extreme dedication of our great team, The Bagley Law Firm will open our new office located at 310 Margaret Lane in Del Rio, Texas.

Please stop by and check out our new office and join us as we continue our quest to see that true Justice is applied to everyone. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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